Structs in Lucee are containers for data where there is a 'key' that references a 'value'. When dumping a struct it looks like:
The default type of structure created with the notation below is unordered, such that when looping over the keys in the struct, or dumping the struct, the data may appear in any order. To mainain the order of keys when adding, the structNew() function must be used.
Creating Structs
An Empty Struct
When dumped an empty struct has no data:
With Data
Struct Dump:
With Nested Data
Structs can infinitely next structs and complex data type (arrays can nest structs too)
Nested Struct Dump:
Creating an Ordered Struct
Use the structNew() function to create an ordered struct which maintains the order of the keys when looping, dumping or serializing.
Dump of an Ordered Struct:
Inserting Items into an Existing Struct
Dumping a Struct
In the preceeding example, all of the keys were uppercased when dumped. While Lucee is case insensitive, it will convert all keys to uppercase when serializing or dumping. To preseve case, make the new names quoted:
Referencing Struct Keys
Dynamically Referencing Keys
Looping Structs
For in Loop
Each Loop
Advanced Struct Usage
Structs have many functions, see all uses here:
Note: The member functions available on the struct object like .insert() duplicate the older "Built in Function" (BIF) style (like structInsert()). Modern convention is to use the new style, but the old BIFs are still provided for compatibility with older versions of Lucee.